Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to persuade the child to drink the medicine?

Some children have no problem taking any medication, even bitter. But kids are often reluctant acceptance of drugs, regardless of their taste.

In recent years we have got a lot of pharmacies medicines for children, specially scented with a pleasant taste. Children mostly willingly take such drugs. But what if the bitter medicine or child flatly refuses to take it?

So, to begin carefully listen to the recommendations of a pediatrician. Have a question asked, and utochniet, but not in the presence of the child. Behave confidently, otherwise, feeling your hesitation, the child may flatly refuse to accept the medication.

Try to give your child medicine, as it were incidentally. Distract the child by talking, show him something interesting outside Etc. Talk to him about several things, injecting a drug into his mouth. Children often automatically opens her mouth at the approach of a spoon. If a child is less than three years, necessarily, a pill pound in a spoon, dissolving a little sweetened boiled water. Do not use for this purpose, juice or mineral water, they can enter into chemical interaction with drugs.

If the child is not finished, or spit out of medication, do not add it again, there is a danger of overdose. Wait until the next reception.

Do not let the power of medicine, especially if the baby cries - he could choke.

Before giving your child medication, try it yourself. Do not paint the wonderful taste of medicine, if it is, in fact, bitter. You can lose the confidence of the child.

In some cold medicines have a less pronounced flavor, so they can be cooled before use, unless it will affect their operation (specify the pharmacy).

Bitter pills can be crushed and mixed with jam or honey. Mixing drugs with drink, it is better to use such that the child rarely drinks. If, for example, milk or yogurt would be a strange taste, then the baby can continue to abandon them. Do not separate a single dose of 2-3 tablespoons. Give me all at once.

To give the medication the child the first months of life, you can type it in a plastic syringe, hold down the baby spout and pour the medicine stream deep in the mouth, which he always will. Remember that taste receptors are located mainly in the front and central parts of the language. Therefore try to send medicine to the lateral surface or deep. But not too deeply, otherwise possible gag reflex.

If a child more than three years, put him next to your favorite doll or stuffed toy. "Treat" first toy. In any case the company goes well.

Eye drops or ointments can sometimes introduce during sleep.

Try to give the medicine just before feeding, unless it is scheduled after the meal. A hungry child is more likely to open his mouth. Besides, if its going to be sick, the food will not be lost.

Do not give drugs without a doctor's prescription! Remember that the uncontrolled assignment of certain drugs, particularly antibiotics, can cause side effects (allergic reactions, fever, diarrhea). Each medication but there are many contra-indications, so only a doctor can decide what is more important - the probability of a good result from the use of drugs or the risk of harmful side-effects.

Do not allow children to play with medication and vitamins. All the pills - only from the hands of an adult.
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