Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to persuade the child to drink the medicine?

Some children have no problem taking any medication, even bitter. But kids are often reluctant acceptance of drugs, regardless of their taste.

In recent years we have got a lot of pharmacies medicines for children, specially scented with a pleasant taste. Children mostly willingly take such drugs. But what if the bitter medicine or child flatly refuses to take it?

So, to begin carefully listen to the recommendations of a pediatrician. Have a question asked, and utochniet, but not in the presence of the child. Behave confidently, otherwise, feeling your hesitation, the child may flatly refuse to accept the medication.

Try to give your child medicine, as it were incidentally. Distract the child by talking, show him something interesting outside Etc. Talk to him about several things, injecting a drug into his mouth. Children often automatically opens her mouth at the approach of a spoon. If a child is less than three years, necessarily, a pill pound in a spoon, dissolving a little sweetened boiled water. Do not use for this purpose, juice or mineral water, they can enter into chemical interaction with drugs.

If the child is not finished, or spit out of medication, do not add it again, there is a danger of overdose. Wait until the next reception.

Do not let the power of medicine, especially if the baby cries - he could choke.

Before giving your child medication, try it yourself. Do not paint the wonderful taste of medicine, if it is, in fact, bitter. You can lose the confidence of the child.

In some cold medicines have a less pronounced flavor, so they can be cooled before use, unless it will affect their operation (specify the pharmacy).

Bitter pills can be crushed and mixed with jam or honey. Mixing drugs with drink, it is better to use such that the child rarely drinks. If, for example, milk or yogurt would be a strange taste, then the baby can continue to abandon them. Do not separate a single dose of 2-3 tablespoons. Give me all at once.

To give the medication the child the first months of life, you can type it in a plastic syringe, hold down the baby spout and pour the medicine stream deep in the mouth, which he always will. Remember that taste receptors are located mainly in the front and central parts of the language. Therefore try to send medicine to the lateral surface or deep. But not too deeply, otherwise possible gag reflex.

If a child more than three years, put him next to your favorite doll or stuffed toy. "Treat" first toy. In any case the company goes well.

Eye drops or ointments can sometimes introduce during sleep.

Try to give the medicine just before feeding, unless it is scheduled after the meal. A hungry child is more likely to open his mouth. Besides, if its going to be sick, the food will not be lost.

Do not give drugs without a doctor's prescription! Remember that the uncontrolled assignment of certain drugs, particularly antibiotics, can cause side effects (allergic reactions, fever, diarrhea). Each medication but there are many contra-indications, so only a doctor can decide what is more important - the probability of a good result from the use of drugs or the risk of harmful side-effects.

Do not allow children to play with medication and vitamins. All the pills - only from the hands of an adult.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sex as a medicine: what can they cure

Scientists have proved once again that sex is good for health. The researchers note that favorable results will be especially noticeable if you make love at least once a week. Scientists have discovered a surprising number of therapeutic properties of sex, from prolonging life and ending with an analgesic effect.
Studies do not indicate whether the improving effect of sex consequence of the sexual act, or the emotions experienced by people during intimacy. However, sex has a very beneficial impact on the physical condition of man. This is especially true of women. Scientists are six ways to impact of sex on human health:

1. Sex can cure colds and flu. According to the research of scientists from Uilkskogo University in Pennsylvania, sex 1-2 times a week is capable of three-fold increases of immunostimulatory antibodies - immunoglobulin A, which protect the organism from respiratory viruses.

2. Sex - better cabinet cosmetologist. In the course of study at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Group of Experts considered the people of different ages through one-way mirror and the making of assumptions about their age. Participants of the study that looked, according to experts, under the age of 7-12 years, on average, had sex 4 times a week. Scientists believe that regular sex is to help them look younger. One of the reasons - sex increases the level of estrogen in the blood of women, which makes their hair shiny and skin - elastic.

3. Sex burns calories. During sex burns more than 4 calories per minute. For half an hour of love you could spend the calories obtained by eating four chocolate candies. So consider sex as a way of daily sport.

4. Sex cures migraines. Women headache is the main reason to make love, not abandon it. The hanging of the level of endorphins and corticosteroids in the blood during arousal and orgasm is an excellent analgesic.

5. Sex stabilizes the menstrual cycle. A number of studies conducted by endocrinologists at Columbia and Stanford universities found that women who have sex weekly, cycle more regular than abstaining or resorting to congress from time to time. (A similar study showed that even the lesbian caresses a beneficial effect on menstrual cycle). The researchers argue that the very intimacy is important, but not orgasm.

6. Sex may be free from troubles. Women use the muscles of the pelvic floor to contain the urine. With age, they wear out, so we have to make greater efforts to avoid accidental urination. Those muscles can be trained during sex - with a better way simply does not exist.

Sex for the first time

The first sexual experience is firmly imprinted in the minds of all persons, regardless of his wishes. Especially important is it for women as being more receptive and emotional. Unsuccessful first experience very often becomes the cause of female frigidity, its indifference to sex, inability to experience orgasm, sexual disharmony and its negative attitude towards men in general.

And she will be lucky if its first partner will be a man knowledgeable, experienced, discreet and cautious. Loving, of course. Because all its subsequent connection, it will not help to pass through the impression and feeling its very first night. What are they? Pleasant, not at all or terrible? In large measure this depends on her ...

The first time, usually painful and frightening, and unpleasant. And, if the partner is rude and inconsiderate, and even bitter. And do not believe their "experienced" minor girlfriend, who first ascended to heaven and experienced heavenly delight. This is a lie! It is even physiologically impossible, because the traumatic (even if the hymen is elastic, not break, and stretchy natural barrier). Even if the first man experienced, and attentive, and loving, it is unlikely she will be able to experience orgasm. It is rather an exceptional case than the rule.

And if proximity is of the same age, the same young and inexperienced, as it is, some not too pleasant, and even curious moments, alas, can not be avoided. But everything is reparable, if young people go to it for love, emotional attachment, knowingly and voluntarily. And most importantly balanced. And if it happens otherwise? Incidentally, out of stupidity, because of fear ...

From this absurd and painful experience she often makes the impression of experiencing frustration and aversion to sex sometimes for many years. Again, many women's sex problems are connected with the first failed sexual experience.

Why are girls still go to it

1. Due to differences in motivations and levels of sexual development guys and girls in their teens and early adolescence. It relates to how they look at the issues of love and friendship. The girl aged 14 - 18 years interested in the question of romantic love, platonic love relationships, gentle friendship. They love to read romance novels and watch melodramas and imagined relations between men and women in beautiful and romantic spirit of mutual sympathy, benevolence, respect and tenderness. They are in our dreams are very far from the animal instincts and impulses of the flesh, which is still dormant in them. Manifestation of activity on the part of young men frightens them, repels, confusing and even frustrating. Sexuality wake them much later. Boys also about 17 - 24 years, first unconsciously, and then all definitely have quite specific personal desire for closeness with the girl. They want sex. And not matured yet to the high spiritual relationship with the woman. She will have them later in adulthood. And while their lead with a tremendous shock to the body. The girls, not realizing this, gives his desires, taking them for their love of high spiritual order. Very often invented relationship deducted from romance novels and podsmotreny in the movies seem to be love, and she decided at the first attempt. Some girls do not realize that they are playing with fire, revealing the seductive part of its shape, legs, chest. They provoke the boys their clothes, behavior, like allowing them a wish. Most guys are very hard to resist this. So there are random and early communication, due to a desire to unbearable intimacy. Unfortunately, they are far from true love and intimacy, but inexperienced young people are perceived this way.

2. The girl behind the requests, desires and threats because of the fear of rejection, ridicule be worse than the other, differ from the collectively formed the image of "his girls", who dominates her social peers. That is going to take this step out of fear. But not for love. Sometimes it happens by accident in a state of uncontrolled and unconscious drive under the influence of alcohol. In such cases, the girl is not immune from anything. Especially if it is not too picky acquaintances, and among her entourage have guys with questionable reputations. To anything good this experience does not lead, as a rule. And great love, and especially marriage, what each secret dreams, here and does not smell.

3. Some modern girls have a sexual relationship as outrageous, in retaliation, in order to annoy their parents, in order to pass for peer advanced, for the sake of interest, to look older, more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Most of these eksperimentatorsh grow cynical and indifferent to the normal human women. They reduce any gender relations to the bed, they thrive in the art of bodily pleasures. But few of them able to really relax during sex. Because promiscuous and experiments, alas, does not enhance their femininity, and destroy him, emptying their souls, which loses the ability to complicity, empathy, and a thin inner feelings of another person. I do not believe that the best wife went to prostitutes. For the simple reason that the best wife - is, above all, a person close. Spiritually close. You can learn relaxation techniques with thousands of bed, learn to play thousands of sexual games, but never learn to be a woman, soft, kind and tolerant to one single person who becomes your husband.

When a woman sells her body for many, whether for the sake of experiment and my own pleasure or for money, she unlearns feel selfless love. She loses herself as a woman, with each new partner without acquiring and losing part of his soul. Because that was the way her body, it can not exist apart from the mind and heart. Because sexual activity is included her entire body. When it comes to sex, she gets a man's strength and energy of the solid plan, but gave part of his inner being.

When this happens, and happens naked sex, women in this "woman" are no longer or not yet.

I admit that this is merely a subjective opinion of the author, and that modern life is more loyal to the issues of sex. But no one can convince me that by engaging in a sexual relationship with a man, woman never thinks about love, even for a moment, though out of the corner of his consciousness, and concerned only with the obvious question sexual release, or opportunity to practice in bed. Show me the woman I want to look into her eyes!

I think for every girl's question, the first night - one of the most important questions of life. In spite of everything. Because it creates all of her future life with men, and is directly related to her happiness. Therefore, it should treat it as possible carefully and responsibly.

I think in any case, it should not:

• Hurry up.

• Striving to be like everyone else. Adjusting to the standards and requirements of fashion (which may be a fashion, if we are talking about your own life, which is given to you only once, and to correct, amend and alter anything in it already will never have!).

• AFRAID be rejected (love, real love, if it has a place to be, do not check such dubious means).

• attending this irresponsible, careless, thoughtless, without considering possible consequences.

• DO IT FOR EXPERIMENTS WITH dubious character. And if you dare to know everything in this life, choose a partner without aggravating circumstances.

• do so on the Staircase in the basement, through the gateway, etc. There is a risk that you will not like this is extremely, and turn away from it all.

• GO FOR IT, IF YOU ARE NOT SURE, that you love this man. Try to find out whether you love or "just because" some other way. You'll see, soon it will become clear to you and without sex.

• Binds man So, if you want a man, not a male. There is a risk that, to satisfy his desire, he just throws you. Man, that a woman need only this tie is impossible, because sooner or later, on his way to meet other, more attractive female, and draw it into the new network.

• use sex as a provocation and blackmail. Unless you do not Mata Hari, it is unlikely to make you happy. And for what it was all over, remember ...

I think that the feeling of happiness for women as for men, not due to sexual release, but with the concepts of higher and subtle plan. Spiritual closeness, love, respect, human warmth. And, of course, harmonious, deep and comprehensive physical contact, which can not happen in a hurry, in the hallway, as horrible and with just anyone ... So why are you your first most important experience of life rush and lets things slide? To the rest of his life he stood over you like Damocles' sword of your women unhappy? You do not want to! So do not rush to become a woman, the more so with a sense and knowledge of their femininity is related only formally ...

On the nature of sex

How did sex? No answer - puzzle to be solved Science XXI century. But there is a hypothesis: according to one of them, this is a side effect of the biochemical mechanism of repair of damaged genes, which arose more than a billion years ago. Evolution proved - sex useful. Actually, we have this and so have guessed. Science has given to rational arguments
Sex appeared already in the far-celled human ancestors more than a billion years ago. Virtually all animals (with very rare exceptions) can reproduce sexually. Even at jellyfish there are male and female. Those animals which are deprived of this happiness (eg, some species of lizards), which undoubtedly had ancestors that reproduce sexually.

Why sex?

Sexual reproduction is so widespread in nature, that until the XIX century, people did not even ask why animals and plants reproduce by mating or otherwise a combination of germ cells. This question arose in the middle of the XIX century in connection with the proliferation of Charles Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection. After all, according to this theory, so that sexual reproduction was maintained, it should help the survival of the species, and "profit" must be greater than the cost of sexual reproduction. Otherwise, the continuation of the species - including human - nature would have found something better.

Price sexual reproduction

Every action has its price. Reproduction with sex - is also very expensive. Flowering plants are forced to work, produce nectar to attract bees that carry pollen from flower to flower, helping plants carry out sexual reproduction. A male species Homo Sapiens, for example, are forced to buy interesting sports car to attract girls, girls - well, we know that "The Devil Wears Prada" ...

In addition, only half of sexually reproducing species - a female - to bear children. If the population of creatures that reproduce sexually, there was a mutant, gemmate, then ceteris paribus (eg birth, on average 2 -3 children), the descendants of this mutant can easily be replaced descendants couples sexual beings - only after 11 generations the difference in the number of offspring would be more than 1000 times (211 / 2 = 1024). Why do we still reproduces sexually? The answer to this question became clear only after the development of genetics.

From the standpoint of genetics

Charles Darwin believed that the existence of sex for the benefit of heterosis - the effect of increased survival of hybrids of different breeds of animals are often observed in animal husbandry: it is known that, say, mestizos of different breeds of horses are running faster than their "clean" relatives. But the nature, of course, the races do not care - she wondered survival of species. At the same time Charles Darwin could not explain the nature of this effect, because it was assumed that the heredity of two parents is mixed, like the blue and red paint, which results in a cross - purple paint.

Following the work of Gregor Mendel, August Weismann and other pioneers of genetics XIX century explanation of the usefulness of sex was found. According to genetics, each person carries two sets of genes: one obtained from the mother, the other - from the father. Moreover, because of the shuffling of genes in a process called crossing-over, the person receives a rather complex collection of genes from all of their grandparents. But genes sometimes accrue broken - defective. So, genetics has shown that the healthy gene, derived from the father, can cover the negative effect of the defective gene, derived from the mother, and - contrary. It became clear observation of Charles Darwin on the high survivability hybrids of different breeds of animals.

However, the persistence of mixed parentage is not the main advantage of sexual reproduction. Much more important is the possibility of a combination of several positive mutations. This phenomenon is most evident in bacteria. While the bacteria multiply by simple division, in some species, there is sex in the form of exchange of genetic material through a special hose (pilus), which the bacteria are connected with each other, as aircraft during refueling in the air. That way bacteria communicate with each other resistance genes to each newly-opened medical antibiotic. Without sex bacteria would require Millennium to consistently acquire all mutations that protect them from several antibiotics. Because of the sex they can acquire these mutations independently and then share their accomplishments.

Evolution puts on selfish

Explanations of the usefulness of sex for survival of the species considered to be sufficient until 1962, when the British zoologist VaynEdvards began to dispute about the essence of Darwinism in American biologist George Williams. Edwards thought that evolution selects species, and Williams was convinced (and failed to substantiate), that evolution selects individuals, selfish. According to Williams, a hare in the woods does not compete with the wolf, but with another hare. If one rabbit will run slightly faster than the other rabbit, it is another hare will be eaten by wolves, thus providing an evolutionary victory of the first hare.

In other words, any trait of an organism (including sex) will be assigned an evolution only if this feature is now helping a specific individual, rather than the whole of his mind in the abstract future. A large number of observations and mathematical models have confirmed the correctness of "individualist" Williams. Still further, this theory was developed by Richard Dawkins, who generally said that the true evolution of the players are not the kinds and even individuals, and genes. Body - this is only way to ensure a future for the gene.

Politically incorrect sex After the book Dawkins' "Selfish Gene" many researchers have made attempts to explain human sexual behavior as imposed on its genes optimal strategy transfer these genes into the future.

Matt Ridley, for example, showed how people evolved in small groups, living in the African savanna. In this environment, genes men prompted him to have one wife and the maximum number of mistresses. My wife - for the birth of children, which he handed over his status in the group, and a mistress - for the widest possible dissemination of their genetic material. A genetically-based strategies of women, according to Ridley, there was another - to become his wife "a reliable breadwinner" for the sustenance of children, but at the time of ovulation to try to get genes from accidentally running through a number of "pirate" with a "high quality" genes than her husband.

When people began to build cities and big states, this genetically based strategies led to the formation of societies where the majority of women have been usurped by the big bosses (kings) and specialized Don Juan. The rulers of China, the Inca Empire, Babylon had thousands of concubines - and the "beloved wife" for the transfer status. In ancient Rome, the slave-owners did not hesitate used for sexual purposes of his slaves, leaving most of the men-slaves without women.

By Ridley, these trends have led to a lot of violence and low level of cooperation among men in the ancient world. In his book, Ridley suggested that the fall of the Roman Empire in the face of Germanic barbarians were partially due precisely to the fact that the Germanic tribes existed firmly implanted monogamy, which helped the men to unite against a common enemy - in Rome.

Why is sex does not go away?

Biologist George Williams explained this way. Suppose, in a forest tree growing. It produces thousands of seeds that may fall into a variety of places - sun or shade, wet or dry. Therefore, it is important for the tree to produce various offspring - with more or less long roots, varying in height of the barrel. Descendants will compete with each other, and the most successful survive. In other words, Williams believed that sex produces a variety, in which the brothers compete with each other.

The opposite hypothesis suggested American biologist Michael Giselin. He believed that, on the contrary, Sex and the associated diversity allows the brothers to avoid competition with each other, as they begin to occupy slightly different ecological niches. For analogy, suppose that in a small village lives a family of a blacksmith. If all five children of a blacksmith inherit his craft, the four of them will die of hunger, because the country needs only one blacksmith. But if they will have different professions (weavers, carpenters), then their total income will be greater, because they will not compete for a place under the sun.

The third hypothesis suggested American biologist Leigh Van Valen. It was called "Red Queen hypothesis, named character from the works of Lewis Carroll. For the Red Queen in Carroll scamper was the only way to stay in place. According to Van Valin, sex emerged as a way of dealing with individual parasites. In the course of this struggle, there are no victories - the individual and parasites evolve at the same time, staying in one place in relation to each other because of the simultaneous "arms race".

Finally, in the last two decades, a great contribution to the clarification of the question "Why is sex" has made Russian-American biologist Alexei Kondrashov, who emigrated from Russia to the U.S. in 1991. According to the theory Kondrashov, sex in the first place need not to useful combinations of genes, and for the combination and removal of populations of harmful genes. Each of us, the representative of the species Homo Sapiens, has dozens of new mutations that were not present for our parents. Most of these mutations have no impact, some (about 1%) are harmful, a very small part is useful.

Sex, by Kondrashov, allows to collect a combination of harmful genes in a lean subgroup of individuals, then these "specially damaged" die "cleansing", as a vacuum cleaner, its population from the harmful mutations.

Getting started

Theories Williams, Giselina, Van Valin and Kondrashov explain why sex retains its usefulness, and not replaced, say, budding. Unfortunately, they do not explain how sex arose. Many hypotheses. Unknown - even more. Find the answer - the task of science of the future.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Testosterone and the heart: friend or foe?

Does testosterone - the best friend of men? Figuratively speaking, the ratio of males to testosterone balances between love and hate. All rather confusing.

Weigh although this fact: the uncontrolled administration of drugs that contain male hormones (anabolic steroids, steroid supplements, etc.) can lead to liver cancer, heart attack and impotence.

According to studies, intake of drugs under medical supervision in small doses of testosterone improves physical and emotional condition of men suffering from the shortage of this hormone. There is information about the benefits of testosterone for the heart of elderly males.

The researchers studied 46 men stamina (their average age - 62 years) with low testosterone levels and suffering from pains in his chest. Participants of the experiment who used testosterone patches to have run more than others. Men who are more hardy and noted the improvements in well-being and reducing pain.

British researchers can not explain exactly what and how the hormone replacement therapy affects older men suffering from angina. However, there is an assumption that small doses of testosterone expand blood vessels, improve mood and give patients power.

Deficiency of testosterone and its treatment

Testosterone is produced in the testes, but with age its level is reduced, although not as dramatically as the level of estrogen in women. The signs of testosterone deficiency in older men is difficult to distinguish from the normal signs of aging. See your doctor if the following symptoms:

· Strong decline in muscle mass

· Loss of interest in sex

· Impotence

· Tides, as in women during menopause (in severe cases)

Testosterone deficiency is detected through blood or (very often) in a survey about infertility. Lack of sperm production - one of the symptoms of the disease. It affects 4.5 million men, but only 5% of those treated with testosterone therapy (in the form of injections or patches). In men with low testosterone levels increased risk of osteoporosis.

According to studies, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy for men are:

· Influx of energy and increased sexual desire

• Increasing access well-being, mood, reduce irritability, nervousness

· Reducing fat, strengthening muscles

Testosterone is used to correct problems with weight in HIV-infected women. However, it is contraindicated in breast cancer or prostate. From testosterone therapy should be discontinued if the slightest suspicion of cancer, because it causes intense growth of tumors. Men with enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy) should also avoid taking testosterone. Among the possible side effects of medication - a syndrome of night apno (temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep) and the reduction of "useful" cholesterol in the blood.

To determine whether the testosterone is helpful for men with heart disease, and what its optimal dose, additional clinical studies. In any case, the positive effect is, and it should be used!
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The program of medical examinations for men

This article provides only the standard recommendations. In each case the list of surveys defines physician. This takes into account individual characteristics, chronic disease, genetic predisposition and age of the patient.

Regular medical check-ups. This is a good way to monitor your health. The doctor measures the blood pressure, listens to heart rate, weighs and examines the patient. Sometimes regular inspections revealed disease, asymptomatic (eg hypertension). In the survey can be discussed with your doctor your diet, exercise, etc. Regarding the frequency of such surveys, there is no consensus. Personal recommendation gives the physician.

Examination of the testes. This survey is recommended to take place simultaneously with the other checks for cancer. A self testicular not efficient enough, so it should be only to people at risk of oncological diseases. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

Checking the level of cholesterol in the blood. Persons older than 20 years are advised to check the level of high density lipoprotein ( "useful" and "harmful" cholesterol, triglycerides) in blood every 5 years. If the risk of cardiovascular disease doctor may recommend more frequent checks.

Survey for the presence of prostate cancer. In relation to the need for the views of doctors differ. Slowly progressive prostate cancer is not harmful to health, but some methods of treatment (surgery, radiotherapy) is applied. Some experts believe that as long as enough data for the purpose of total surveys. Other recommended annually undergo such screening all healthy men over 50 who forecast life expectancy of at least 10 years. It includes analysis of prostate specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination. Men at risk for prostate cancer (blacks and those with prostate cancer family history) should undergo annual surveys, beginning with 45 years.

Testing for the presence of colon cancer. These surveys are uniquely useful. But doctors are divided on their frequency. This issue should be addressed individually with their physician.

Men older than 50 years should take one of the following surveys:

* Fecal occult blood (1 every 1-2 years)
* Sigmoidoscopy (1 every 5 years)
* Fecal occult blood in the home (if possible) and sigmoidoscopy
* Colonoscopy (1 every 10 years)
* Barium enema with double contrast (1 every 5 years)

However, some reputable medical experts believe that such surveys should take place only men from the group of average risk.

In the presence of predisposition to onkozabolevniyam (for example, when a bad heredity) should be screened more often or at an earlier age. Risk Factors - inflammatory bowel disease, polyps, certain types of malignant tumors, treatment by radiotherapy.

Arterial pressure. Regarding the frequency of checking the pressure no clear recommendations. It is desirable to do so, at least 1 time per year. In the presence of indicators above 120/80 should seek medical advice. In the case of threat of hypertension doctor will recommend regular medical check-ups and home monitoring of pressure.

Aortic aneurysm. This ultrasound examination is recommended to take 1 times between 65 and 75 years, those who smoke or smoked during their lifetime.

Blood test for HIV infection. This analysis should take:

* If there is homosexual contacts (at least 1 per year).
* Prior to or during pregnancy (it is desirable to give a pre).
* In the case of intravenous drug use (1 per year).
* If there is no increased risk of HIV infection is recommended to be tested during a regular medical examination.

Analysis of blood sugar. Persons older than 45 years, with an increased risk of developing type II diabetes are advised to check blood sugar levels 1 time in 1-2 years. Risk factors - overweight, sedentary lifestyle, hereditary predisposition. If you have high blood pressure or blood cholesterol levels should be sure to take a blood test for sugar because diabetes significantly increases the risk of heart attack. Most people should start checking after 45 years, persons from high-risk groups - before.

Dental checks. Regular visits to the dentist can preserve the health of teeth and the whole organism. The exact frequency of visits should be negotiated with the doctor. As a rule, recommended 2 preventive visit per year.

Checked. At the age of 40 years should undergo a comprehensive examination of the eye. Then the eyes should be checked 1 times in 1-4 years. In the presence of diseases affecting vision (diabetes, chronic eye diseases, etc.), a survey of best take place more frequently.

Examinations of the skin. Should not forget about the independent audit of the skin. Thus it is necessary to pay attention to non-healing sores and redness, especially in open areas. By the doctor advised to contact if there are any changes in size, color and shape of old moles, as well as the appearance of new ones.
Rx Oregon

Sleep problems in men

For many men dream - it is a literal and figurative senses of the last case of a long list of what needs to be done for the day. He is considered a waste of time - because the work is idle. As a result of such errors are not used huge mental and physical abilities, which are fully possesses a well-rested people.

In fact, sleep can be considered the most important task of the day. Spent his time will always pay off handsomely in all other endeavors.

That dream can effectively "recharge" the body, prepare it for the next day. Good sleep allows for better feel, think and act, makes it possible to optimize your day-time and energy potential.

Adequate sleep, you are the best way to achieve the desired objectives.

1. Sleep. Why?

Ignoring the problem

Many simply do not realize that require a longer sleep. They feel sleepy sign that a good job. Men accustomed to constant fatigue and believe that the way it should be. I sincerely believe that we should not surrender at any cost before fatigue.

However, each has its own rate of sleep. Most adults need 7-8 hours to be relaxed and receptive to the surrounding reality.

But many in the habit of sleeping less than they need. As a result, they are not able to work in full force and maximum focus.

Here are signs that you are not getting enough sleep:

* During the day, tiredness and fatigue.
* Hard to concentrate during the meetings.
* You should too difficult "to rouse himself, get to work.
* You are irritable, grouchy and easily angered.
In the morning wake up just in time for the alarm clock.
* Sleepiness at the wheel.

Most people must be at work early enough, so the "top up" later is not possible, because a rare head allows the employee to take a nap during the day. Out of this situation in that evening to go to bed early.

Plan all the way, so that you have 7-8 hours before morning awakening. Set yourself a priority. After a while you'll understand if you need more than eight hours of sleep enough or even less than seven, to get up in a cheerful mood.


The men work sometimes takes so long that his lack of sleep. The focus on personal prosperity leads to the need to work overtime at night, on weekends or go out before all morning. Even more time can be spent in traffic jams on the way to work and back home.

Even at home work consumes his spare time. It is necessary to complete some documents, cell phone calls without a break, have to constantly monitor the e-mail. Do not have time to look around, it appears that the time has flown by, and it is high time to sleep.

Stress and stress at work is quite capable of upsetting dream. At night you can be in the power of disturbing thoughts and worries about tomorrow. Organism needs rest, but in my mind again and again scroll case.

As a result, you're tossing and turning from side to side and can not sleep. Or wake up in the middle of the night, and more can not sleep until morning. And then the alarm clock "proclaims" that it's time to get up and start the daily business.

Make every effort to leave work ... at work. If possible, do not let it haunt you even at home. In his spare time, we must finally give a breather and the body and brain. Set clear boundaries to protect your spare time.

All this is very difficult to do in terms of work at home. Either way, you need to arrange respite, find time for walking on the street to relax and, as they say, blow away the cobwebs.

Should learn how to banish disturbing thoughts occur in the daytime. Discuss them with one of his friends, reset the voltage at the gym. Bed - a place of rest, leave all the problems beyond the threshold of the bedroom.

Super dense schedule

Many men are not only time consuming job. For example, they regularly visit the gym, are involved in sports or go "cheer" for the local team. Tinkering with his car, or equips house. They consist of various public organizations, go to church.

Bachelors go on dates and parties with friends, married take their children out of school and help fulfill their homework. The list goes on.

The way out is to set priorities and in accordance with them properly allocate their time. We must honestly assess the schedule of his employment: but it is not too tight? There is urgent business, but some can be postponed until tomorrow. Some of the tasks do not necessarily carry yourself.

Important cases can be organized so that they take less time. The significance of some of its undertakings should not be overestimated - they can do less or give them less time. Some things in general is time to delete from the list of their concerns. In the end, this can always be revisited, if you free up time in the future.

Set priorities, put a dream in the first place.

Changes in lifestyle

Life has a lot of changes that can greatly affect sleep. Some of them can be foreseen, some come unexpectedly. It is clear that the changes for the worse, have a powerful negative impact. Но и добрые вести помимо общего возбуждения часто добавляют забот и стрессов, вполне способных лишить вас сна.

Examples pleasant change:

* Marriage;
* Birth of a child;
* Transition to new jobs;
* Relocation.

Now, examples of negative properties:

* The loss of a loved one;
* Loss of jobs;
* Divorce;
* Car crash;
* Serious illness;
* Trial;
* A bad investment.

These events can take you to the doldrums. Many men Depression begins imperceptibly, so that they are about it are not even aware. Gradually depression may progress to the point where despair has become an integral part of life.

Depression can destroy the quality of sleep. Making the turn around from side to side until late at night. Or vice versa sleep for days, without motivation to get out of bed.

With the deterioration of sleep a person stops taking care of their physical condition. It feeds on a regular basis, then puts physical education. Often these people find solace in alcohol and drugs. As a result, lost interest in normal daily life.

Men often hold depressive feelings in himself, not letting them escape. In some cases, eventually reaching a critical mass for strong violence. Men often turning violent acts against themselves. As statistics show, they are four times more prone to suicide than women.

Many are unwilling to seek assistance from a therapist, as well as fear that they may be on the "bad" thought. In fact, the presence of depressive feelings - quite normal, but they can be harmful to health.

If you are depressed, start, at least in conversation with his spouse, friend, doctor or priest. Any of them can be useful in deciding whether to seek a therapist. Do not try to fight with depression alone.

Bad habits

Men get a lot of habits that lead to sleep disorders. Among them - alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Try not to drink alcohol and coffee, or smoke in the second half of the day, especially late at night and just before bedtime.

Abundant food or exercise before going to bed, can also interfere with sleep. However, to avoid these habits is difficult, if you actively spend the evening. Try to eat more at lunch and less at dinner. A sport you can do before work or at lunchtime.

Many people lie awake and not in the specified hours, but as a need. This confuses the body's internal clock and thus harms sleep. Try every day to go to bed and get up at the same time (even on weekends and holidays), and you stabiliziruete internal clock.

Do not try to sleep off the weekend. Get up no later than usual, and go to bed early if you want to compensate for accumulated the earthquake. Also, try not to sleep during the day longer hours and not close to the evening, so you do not suffer from insomnia at night.

Health status

Many diseases and injuries can prevent good sleep. Some of them - the extension of the ankle, the flu, a small operation - are temporary. Other health problems remain with us for the rest of his life, and with age it happens more often.

Here are some examples of diseases that could seriously disrupt the mechanisms of sleep:

* Epilepsy;
* Asthma and other respiratory diseases;
* Cardiovascular disease;
* Arthritis.

Drugs from these diseases can also cause sleep disturbances, for example, to add your spirits at night and sleepiness during the day.

Consult your doctor, you may need to change the dosage or time of ingestion.

2. What to turn into sleep disorders

Many men spend in bed, ample time, but still not getting enough sleep. They long can not sleep, wake up in the middle of the night. Some can sleep through the night and, nevertheless, felt tired the next day.

All these - symptoms of sleep disorders, and they are characteristic of men. Many of them do not understand what problems are encountered. And if I understand, they often do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor. Meanwhile, timely diagnosis and causes of these violations significantly improve sleep, and, consequently, health and fitness.

Next, we consider the most common sleep disorders in men.

Obstructive sleep apnea (CCA)

CCA - it stops breathing during sleep, occurring when soft tissue in the posterior pharynx falls and close the airway. In this case, air can not get into the lungs.

CCA - a very common sleep disorder, because the muscles that make up the throat, relax as you fall asleep. Under the language of its own weight sinks down and blocks the airways. Last night it may occur several times, and perhaps a few hundred times. These breathing pauses awaken you and violate sleep, next day fatigue. Men twice more prone to SLA than women.

Overweight and thick neck increases the probability of CCA: for men with excess weight in the larynx more fat that can block the airway.

The main features of the SLA - daytime sleepiness and loud snoring. Snoring - the result of partial overlap of the respiratory tract. With age it tends to strengthen, distinguish its various gradations - depending on the intensity.

The so-called "simple" or "regular" snoring is mainly poses no threat to health, but intense, loud and intermittent wheezing with a cause for concern.

Men often do not suspect that snore. Usually this problem noticed spouse.

Many men are even proud of loud snoring, considering it an expression of masculinity. They do not suspect that in fact may face serious problems.

Sleep apnea makes it difficult thought processes and concentration at work. If you do not deal with this problem, it can lead to heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.

If you snore loudly and are prone to daytime fatigue, tell your doctor. He will direct you to a specialist on sleep to check on the SLA.

In mild sleep apnea may help reduce weight and acquire the habit of sleeping on the side (not on the back). Serious cases require skilled medical care.

Constant positive airway pressure (PPDDP) - the main method of treatment of the SLA in adults. When using this method in the airways creates a constant pressure by the flow of air passing through the mask, which is fixed over the nose. Respiratory tract remain open and breathing pauses during sleep does not occur.

The alternative is a surgical intervention or mouthparts device (something like a sports Capa).

Narkolepticheskaya disease

Narcolepsy - a disease that causes the extreme sudden sleepiness. The patient may suddenly fall asleep at the wheel, when eating out or traveling. Narcolepsy usually develops between 12 and 20 years and can last a lifetime. Without treatment, it does not pass.

If you ever feel so tired that you can at any time "opt out" and go to sleep, tell us about this doctor. He will direct you to a specialist for screening for narcolepsy. She had given medication, helping to improve the characteristics of sleep and wakefulness.

The syndrome of delayed sleep period

Because of the large workload and other affairs of men may receive the habit to go to bed very late. The syndrome of delayed sleep period means that sleep is now possible only a few hours after that time stamp, which was accustomed to falling asleep. Accordingly, it becomes difficult to get up early in the morning.

As is known, the internal clock, depending on time of day you have something to sleep, then to wakefulness. This timer is a natural in the body of any person. Permanent late going to bed later and waking up can bring down the internal clock. As a result, you can not sleep, so to speak, in normal times.

To cope with this problem, avoid bright light in the apartment in the evening, and in the bedroom at bedtime in general should be dark. The morning and in the morning, on the contrary do not let the sunlight. Not necessarily at the same time that the sun's rays hit directly at you. The main thing - to see that around the light. Through the eyes of the signal is transmitted to the brain, which causes the internal clock rate.

Violation of the daily rhythm

The specificity of the (frequent flights, the transitions from one shift to another and vice versa) can cause jet-lagged. So, after a long flight, you can be in a remote region, where to go to sleep and wake up accounts at a time, which does not correspond to count-your internal clock. The organism does not have time to adapt to new conditions because of high speed flight, and having trouble sleeping.

Men alternating night shifts to daylight, are also suffering because of jet-lagged. Schedule forces you to work when the body still wants to sleep and rest when the body is ready to work. All of this raises serious sleep disorders, and you get tired.

There is evidence that the administration of drugs on the basis of melatonin helps some people suffering from jet-lagged. Melatonin - a hormone that the brain produces during sleep. Scientists believe that, apparently, he is the state of drowsiness.

Someone helps phototherapy. With this method of treatment the patient's eye is exposed to very bright light of a certain duration and at a certain time of day. He has on the biological clock has the same effect as in sunlight. This helps in setting the internal clock.

Talk to your doctor, that will be more suitable in your case: melatonin or light therapy.

Sleep hygiene

Insomnia can be viewed as the result of bad habits. All those everyday passions that a bad influence on sleep. As a result, sleep is not refreshing and keeps good spirits throughout the day.

Bad habits can and should be brought under control. Among them - drinking coffee late at night, long daytime naps, going to bed at different times.

In order to help patients prevail over their preferences, the doctor may recommend behavioral therapy techniques to teach or observe the rules of sleep hygiene.

3. How improvements

Many men will sleep much better once you get used sleep hygiene - a set of basic principles to improve it.

Some believe that drinking on the night will facilitate a good night's sleep. Indeed, alcohol can help to quickly fall asleep, but it is likely that the process of sleep is intermittent. In addition, many after the evening drinking too early to wake up in the morning.

All this can be called "alcoholic rebound." Alcohol long delayed in the body, so is 6 hours before bed is better to abstain from it. And in general, to control the number and frequency vypivok - Excessive alcohol consumption is known to be detrimental to health.

Men sometimes rely on sleeping pills, someone it helps. But in any case, pill - this is not a lasting solution to the problem. The course prescribed by doctors, rarely extends beyond several weeks.
Pharmacies are many preparations on the basis of an antihistamine, a substance contained in medicines for colds. These tools can help sleep, but during the day there would be a state of weakness. So be careful with taking these drugs.

You should not always rely on sleeping pills. Talk to your doctor, how else can improve sleep.

And anyway, if you suffer from insomnia more than a month - consult your doctor, do not think it will all work itself. He may refer you to a specialist on sleep, to find the optimal solution.

Two weeks before visiting a specialist to start a sleep diary. This will help him to understand your habits, identify problems and ways to overcome them.

Sleep is very important for health - can not ignore the warning signs. And you very much to gain from timely access to medical care. After all, the quality of your life depends on how you sleep.
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